Esketamine (Spravato) is now available. If you are interested in receiving this treatment of depression, call Kaitlin at (705) 670-2000 in Sudbury or Crystal at (705) 474-6000 in North Bay.
The treatment consists of a nasal spray given over about a ½ hour and then staying at the clinic for about 2 hours for monitoring. We monitor for an increase in blood pressure and the sensation of being disconnected to your environment (Dissociation) and anxiety. You have to have a person who will drive you back home and you shouldn’t drive for 24 hours after. The first 4 weeks, you do 2 treatments a week then the next four weeks you do 1-2 a week and then 1 every 2 weeks for 3 months then we try to space it out to once every 4 weeks, if possible.
Dr Jean-Guy Gagnon
General and Forensic Psychiatrist
HeadWay Clinic