Headaches can be a common, re-occurring problem. They can cause you to miss out on work, family, or social obligations. First of all, it is important to find out the cause and to receive the right treatment. If you experience headaches contact a medical professional for an assessment .
Some common types that I see and treat in chiropractic practice include:
- Come as a result of problems to the joints, muscle, tendons, ligaments, or nerves of the neck. Additionally, pain is often felt at the back/base of the head and can extend up to the top of the head. Some neck pain may be present as well.
- Certainly can be caused by stress, muscle tension, dehydration and lack of sleep. They present with pain along the muscles of the neck. Tension headaches can produce a band-like ‘squeezing’ felt around the head above the eyes. A very common occurrence as a result of a stressful event.
- Are usually felt deep on one side of the head. They can be with or without aura. Migraines can occur with or without light sensitivity, sound sensitivity, nausea, and other symptoms. Equally, People with these headaches report needing to rest in quiet environments without light until the headache subsides.
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction
- Finally, pain is felt in one or both of the temple areas and associated with pain the jaw, clicking or locking of the jaw, or clenching/grinding the teeth.
Less common headaches:
- Cluster: These headaches are those which can be felt directly behind one of the eyes or one side of the head. They are one of the most intense types and can wake you in the night. They often occur in clusters, for example several times in one day, or week. The cause is not fully understood but, they often occur around spring or fall. Cluster headaches are thought to possibly be as a result of allergies.
- Sinus: Headaches felt in the nasal area or behind the eyes. They may come on at certain times of the year, or in certain environments. Allergies should be investigated.
- Medication: Some medications may have side effects, which include headaches. Further, medications may also react together to cause headaches. Always review any medication both prescribed and over the counter with your physician or pharmacist if you are experiencing this side effect.
When to seek medical attention for a headache?
- High fever (102-105)
- Stiff neck
- Numbness, weakness, paralysis on one side of the body
- Trouble walking, talking, seeing
- Confusion
- Trouble understanding people
- Nausea or vomiting
- Dizziness
- The worst headache of your life
- Rapidly changing or escalating headaches that have not been present before
In conclusion, if you experience headaches contact a medical professional and get yourself assessed.